Keep your firearms secure and away from unauthorized users, especially Children.

July 10th, Maggie was asked to comment about a tragedy in our community where a 2-year-old child gained access to a firearm left unsecured and shot and killed himself. This deadly incident touched our community and is a case of a life that should not been taken.

One of the first responsibilities of firearms ownership, is to keep them locked up and secured so they are NOT accessible to unauthorized users, specifically children. When firearms are used or stored improperly, they pose a risk of serious injury or death. Firearms can be especially dangerous to children when they are stored in an irresponsible or unsafe manner. Remember, Children may be ignorant to the risks and firearm safety procedures.

Earlier this year, Nevada had a new bill that was signed into law related to the storage of firearms. This bill in Nevada Legislature is the Safe Firearms Storage Act. This new law makes it a crime for firearm owners to store firearms in a manner that is unsafe or irresponsible around children with few exceptions. It is now a crime to fail to secure a gun and allows unauthorized access to children or other users under 18 years old.

SB294 also requires gun dealers in Nevada to include a gun lock when selling or transferring a firearm. For the record, most firearm dealers have been providing a cable gun lock with the firearms sold for the last several years. This is definitely NOT a new idea.

Our training company HPP Training in partnership with Delta Defense (USCCA United States Conceal Carry Association) and LVMPD have handed out 1000’s of gun locks to gun owners prior to this bill being authored. Organizations like ours have been helping our community of gun owners be safer and more responsible by providing these free gun cable locks through the NSSF – National Shooting Sports Foundation “Project Child Safe” Program. This program has been in place for years and is aimed at securing firearms when not in use to prevent unauthorized access. We’ve been making a difference with this program a lot longer than political aspirations have thought of it.

Read the complete article here:

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